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Posts Tagged ' Window Replacement'

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Why Replacing the Rear Glass On Your Car Is Different Than Replacing the Windshield

The rear window on your car may shatter if you are involved in a car accident or if a piece of road debris hits it. When this happens, you will want to replace the window as quickly as possible to prevent outdoor elements, such as rain, dirt, dust, and pests, from entering your car and remove the temptation for easy access for thieves.

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Past the Point of No Return? 4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Auto Glass

Has your auto glass suffered chips or cracks? Depending on the extent of the damage, a quick and easy auto glass repair may be possible, but in many incidences, repairing damaged auto glass simply isn’t safe. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know that facing an auto glass replacement isn’t something any driver dreams about, but for your own safety, it’s often the best course of action. If you’re dealing with any of the issues below, it’s high time you schedule a windshield replacement.

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Don’t Panic! How to Handle a Broken Vehicle Window

Finding a broken window in your vehicle isn't just disheartening; it's downright inconvenient, frustrating, and for some people, anxiety-inducing. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know that dealing with a broken vehicle window can be confusing and overwhelming—but don't panic! Our team has laid out what you should do to safely and calmly handle the situation. Keep this brief guide in mind should you or a loved one ever find shattered auto glass in your vehicle.

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Is It Safe to Drive With a Nonfunctional Side Window?

If your vehicle’s driver’s side window doesn’t work, the issue might seem pretty inconsequential, especially if you rarely roll your windows down. But just because driving around with a nonfunctional side window might seem relatively harmless, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe.

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Side Window Not Working? 3 Common Reasons Why

Even if you practice proper vehicle maintenance, your side windows can develop operational problems over time. Click to learn why your windows aren’t working properly and what you can do about it. 

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How to Keep Your Auto Glass Safe All Summer Long

Do you know how to protect your auto glass throughout summer? Learn valuable maintenance tips from the experts at Only 1 Auto Glass.

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Rear Windshield Woes: Common Auto Glass Repair Issues

Are you having issues with your vehicle’s rear windshield? Curious whether you can repair the problem, or if you’ll need a full auto glass replacement? At Only 1 Auto Glass, it’s our job to help you keep your vehicle structurally sound. And, whether or not you realize it, your vehicle’s rear window helps support its frame. As such, it’s critical that the glass remains intact for you and your passengers’ safety. If you’re teetering on attempting a DIY fix, here’s what you should know:

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Rear Windshield Damage: Repair or Replace?

Cracks or chips in your rear window may seem altogether inconsequential. After all, it’s not your front windshield, right? You don’t have to look out of your rear window nearly as often, and your passengers are protected by the seat behind them, right? Wrong. If you’re driving around with a damaged rear windshield, the reality is, you’re putting yourself in danger.

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How to Tell It’s Time for a New Windshield

If your windshield is damaged, you likely worry that you'll need to replace it. Since this can be costly if your insurance doesn't cover it, it's no wonder if this makes you apprehensive. You will be relieved to know that in many cases, windshield damage doesn't mean you have to throw out the entire window. Instead, the damage can be repaired. When the damage is significant enough that replacement is indeed necessary, you'll be glad to know we have reasonable rates on custom-fit windshields.

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Does My Windshield Damage Require a Full Windshield Replacement?

Windshield damage is more common than you think. Tiny dents and chips that begin as unnoticeable defects can quickly expand into bigger and more costly problems. Some windshield damage can be easily repaired with a special coating or other techniques. However, there are times when even small damages require a full windshield replacement. How can you tell if your damaged windshield can be repaired or if you'll need a full replacement? Consider these three issues when assessing your damage.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.