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Posts Tagged ' Windshield Replacement'

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3 Windshield Repair Techniques Explained

If your auto glass recently sustained damage, you’re likely wondering what your repair options are. Should you attempt a DIY repair? (Hint: the answer is no!) Or should you opt for professional attention? (That’s a definite affirmative). When it comes to repairing auto glass, a trained technician has a few different options at his disposal, and even the least effective among them is better than a DIY kit. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we employ industry best practices and materials when performing auto glass repairs, and below, we’ve outlined how each process works.

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The Dangers of Not Replacing Your Cracked Windshield

If you have comprehensive insurance coverage in Minnesota, your windshield repair is fully covered with no deductible. The only question is, what are you waiting for? The longer you wait to get your windshield fixed by an Only 1 Auto Glass repair specialist, the greater your chances are of suffering the consequences. Read below to discover what could go wrong and how it can affect you.

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How Damaged Glass is Putting Your Family at Risk

A broken or cracked windshield can make your car dangerous for your children. If your kids still sit in the back seat, they are vulnerable to impact or collision if your side auto glass or rear windshield is damaged. Only 1 Auto Glass can make your car safe again with an auto glass repair or a windshield replacement. To schedule a repair, contact our service center today.

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6 Widespread Windshield Repair Myths Busted

Does your windshield have a minor crack or chip that needs to be repaired? Are you apprehensive about getting the work done because you’ve heard some off-putting information about windshield repair services? If so, our team at Only 1 Auto Glass is here to help clear things up.

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Are You Damaging Your Auto Glass? Stop Doing These 5 Things

If you own a vehicle, there’s a good chance you don’t often contemplate the integrity of your auto glass. After all, if the glass appears intact, what’s there to worry about, right? At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know the majority of drivers do their best to take care of their vehicles. All too often, though, it’s the little things they don’t think about that make the biggest impact. If you’re guilty of any of the following three deeds, for the sake of your auto glass, think twice before you do them again.

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3 Winter Windshield Maintenance Tips

Want to keep your auto glass in great shape throughout the snowy season? Check out our winter windshield maintenance tips to learn how!

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Past the Point of No Return? 4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Auto Glass

Has your auto glass suffered chips or cracks? Depending on the extent of the damage, a quick and easy auto glass repair may be possible, but in many incidences, repairing damaged auto glass simply isn’t safe. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know that facing an auto glass replacement isn’t something any driver dreams about, but for your own safety, it’s often the best course of action. If you’re dealing with any of the issues below, it’s high time you schedule a windshield replacement.

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Is It Safe to Purchase Used Auto Glass?

If your vehicle needs windshield replacement and you’re worried about the cost, it can be tempting to seek out used auto glass to get the job done. But used glass may not be your best option, in terms of both safety and price. The experts at Only 1 Auto Glass explain why below.

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How Do You Find Replacement Auto Glass for a Classic Car?

If you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and money restoring a classic car, you want it to remain in pristine condition, right? So what happens if any of the windows on that car incur damage? How on earth do you find replacement auto glass for a vehicle that’s several decades old?

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Don’t Panic! How to Handle a Broken Vehicle Window

Finding a broken window in your vehicle isn't just disheartening; it's downright inconvenient, frustrating, and for some people, anxiety-inducing. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know that dealing with a broken vehicle window can be confusing and overwhelming—but don't panic! Our team has laid out what you should do to safely and calmly handle the situation. Keep this brief guide in mind should you or a loved one ever find shattered auto glass in your vehicle.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.