Window Repair - Only 1 Auto Glass — Page 2

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Window Repair

Minor Auto Glass Damage: 3 Reasons It’s More Dangerous Than You Realize

Do your vehicle windows contain small chips or cracks? Learn how minor auto glass damage can seriously compromise your safety from the experts at Only 1 Auto Glass.

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How Does Auto Glass Repair Work With Tinted Windows?

For many vehicle owners, tinted windows are non-negotiable — but what happens to that tint if the glass suffers damage? Does it have to be replaced? Can the affected window be repaired while keeping the tint intact? At Only 1 Auto Glass, we get plenty of questions about repairing minor damage to tinted auto glass, and we’d like to help clear up some confusion. Below, we’ve outlined how the auto glass repair process works for tinted windows and what kind of results you can expect.

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What Should You Do During a Roadside Emergency?

Sitting on the side of the road with a damaged vehicle and broken auto glass isn’t on anyone’s bucket list. But, unfortunately, it’s a reality for dozens of Twin Cities drivers every day. Though no one seriously anticipates finding themselves in the middle of such a situation, being prepared for it is never a bad idea. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know how stressful automobile accidents and auto glass damage can be. That’s why today, we’re detailing a simple series of actions you’ll need to take if you ever find yourself in the middle of a roadside emergency.

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Top 3 Causes of Auto Glass Damage & How to Avoid Them

Auto glass repairs can be a hassle, especially if you’re always on the go (who isn’t these days?). Even when you have the option of convenient mobile repair — like what we offer at Only 1 Auto Glass — you still must set aside a chunk of your day to wait for repairs. You also have the scheduling to deal with, your insurance company to talk to, and maybe even a rental car arrangement to set up if the damage is severe enough. It’s a lot to add to your never-ending to-do list, isn’t it? Below, we’re discussing a few simple things you can do to help make sure you avoid auto glass damage from these top three culprits:

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Rear Windshield Woes: Common Auto Glass Repair Issues

Are you having issues with your vehicle’s rear windshield? Curious whether you can repair the problem, or if you’ll need a full auto glass replacement? At Only 1 Auto Glass, it’s our job to help you keep your vehicle structurally sound. And, whether or not you realize it, your vehicle’s rear window helps support its frame. As such, it’s critical that the glass remains intact for you and your passengers’ safety. If you’re teetering on attempting a DIY fix, here’s what you should know:

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Do You Park Outside? How to Protect Your Auto Glass

When you have no option but to park outside, how do you protect your auto glass from environmental damage? At Only 1 Auto Glass, we realize not everyone has the luxury of parking their vehicle in a garage or even in a covered parking space. But we also know that even if you must park outside, you can still take steps to protect your ride. If you’re parking outside this winter, check out these helpful tips that can help you avoid an auto glass repair or replacement:

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Why Auto Glass Repair is Never a DIY Job

When the windows in your vehicle incur damage, it can be tempting to attempt a do-it-yourself repair. After all, those infomercials online videos make it seem like a piece of cake, right? And if you’re living on a tight budget, DIY glass repair might sound particularly attractive. However, when it comes to automotive work (auto glass repair included), it’s safe to say you get what you pay for. DIY chip and crack repair might sound simple, but the procedure is much more delicate than most people realize. The experts at Only Auto Glass explain why you should leave those DIY kits on the shelf and opt for a professional auto glass repair.

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Rear Windshield Damage: Repair or Replace?

Cracks or chips in your rear window may seem altogether inconsequential. After all, it’s not your front windshield, right? You don’t have to look out of your rear window nearly as often, and your passengers are protected by the seat behind them, right? Wrong. If you’re driving around with a damaged rear windshield, the reality is, you’re putting yourself in danger.

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Signs Your Auto Glass Should Be Repaired After an Auto Accident

An auto accident can damage your windshield or the seal that holds the windshield firmly in place. Even minor accidents can cause substantial damage to the windshield. This is why it’s important to know the signs that your auto glass was damaged in the accident and is in need of repair or replacement. Here are a few signs your auto glass needs to be inspected by an auto glass professional:

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Fixing Your Rear Windshield: Why It's Important

Driving around town for months with cracks and chips in your rear windshield may not seem like a big deal. But trust us when we tell you, it is. In fact, it’s downright dangerous and possibly illegal (depending on the condition of the glass) for you to be operating a vehicle with a damaged windshield or side window. Now is the time for a complete windshield replacement from Only 1 Auto Glass. We can restore your glass and make it safe for you to drive on the road.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.