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Posts Tagged 'auto glass repair'

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Top 4 Reasons You Need Rock Chip Repair

Imagine this scenario. You're driving along behind a dump truck, making sure to stay far back as cautioned by the signage on its tailgate. In spite of your carefulness, when you arrive at your destination, you notice a couple of rock chips on your windshield. Or you are driving slowly down an unpaved gravel road to make sure the gravel doesn't damage your windshield or the paint job on your car only to discover a few rock chips in both later. 

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Replace your Wipers and 5 other Important Winter Windshield Maintenance Tips

Winter is coming. And that means it's time to perform some routine maintenance on your windshield that will help you battle the often cold, wet and windy winter months.

The auto glass specialists at Only 1 Auto Glass want to make sure your windshield is in tip-top shape. For more information on proper windshield maintenance, or to repair any chips or cracks, call us at (651) 789 -1111. 

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Tips to Avoid Needing Auto Glass Repair

No one wants to get a crack on their windshield. However, it is something that happens frequently. While you can't avoid all windshield cracks, there are a few things you can do to help minimize the likelihood of a crack developing in your windshield. Here are a few of those tips.

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Descriptions of the Different Types of Damage That Can Occur to a Windshield

When a rock flies up and hits your windshield, there are different types of damage that can be done. Knowing what type of crack or chip you are working with can help you best describe the damage to a repair professional. This can help you and them determine if it is damage that can be repaired and, if so, how much it will cost. Here are the different types of damage that can occur to a windshield.

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Why a Windshield Chip or Crack is Still Slightly Visible After Being Filled

If you have a crack or chip in your windshield, you will want to get it repaired quickly. This can preserve the integrity of the windshield and prevent further damage. However, upon seeing the repair, you may be a bit concerned. Most of the time, you can still see the crack, chip or star where the windshield was damaged. This may leave you wondering why you needed a repair when the damage is still visible. Here are a few frequently asked questions you may have about this topic.

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Are There Different Ways Windshield Cracks Are Repaired?

If you have a crack in your windshield, you may have many questions about it. Do you really need to get it repaired and are there different ways of repairing it. Getting answers to the questions you have will help you to better understand how to proceed. Here is what you need to know if you have a windshield crack.

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Maintaining and Repairing Tinted Auto Glass

Tinted auto glass requires special maintenance and repair. When tinted, windows will have a thin film across them. If damaged, this film can begin to pull away or become opaque. To keep your tint looking bright and new, you will need to maintain it properly.

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Your Car's Rear Windows

Most people have had to replace their car’s windshield at some point in time. You may have had an experience of having to replace a side window as well, but much less common is damage to the rear window. Road debris can’t typically strike your rear window while driving and cause the same type of damage as what can happen to your front windshield. However, the rear window is an integral part of the car’s design and is expected to maintain its purpose when you’re driving down the road.

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Fact or Fiction? Common Myths About Windshield and Window Glass Safety

Windshields and windows can be a confusing part of car maintenance. After all, it's one area of the vehicle that even DIY car owners often can't fix on their own. Here are a few of the most common misunderstandings regarding windshields and window glass in general. 

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Spring Cleaning Checklist Item: Car Windshield Safety

St. Paul, MN is a beautiful area of Minnesota. Driving through town on the longed for spring days is right at hand. Now that the snow has melted, it is a perfect time to make sure that your vehicle is ready for the driving that summer is sure to bring. Something to make sure to not overlook is your windshield. You want a crystal clear windshield that is structurally safe and free from damage.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.