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Posts Tagged 'Auto Glass Replacement'

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5 Ways to Tell That Your Windshield Was Incorrectly Installed

Many drivers and front-seat passengers are injured in Minnesota each year due to the faulty windshield installation. But you don’t have to worry about your windshield if you have it professionally installed by an Only 1 Auto Glass technician. Below are some ways to tell if your windshield was not correctly installed by someone else. If you notice any of these signs of faulty installation on your windshield, then contact us immediately.

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How Does Only 1 Auto Glass Determine the Cost of a Windshield Replacement?

If you need a windshield, you may have noticed that different auto glass repair shops quote you a different price for the replacement. This is because the cost of auto glass replacement varies based on several factors. Learning what factors your cost will be based on will help you select a company to hire to fix or replace your windshield. Here are a few of the factors Only 1 Auto Glass looks at when quoting you a price.

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Need Auto Glass Installed? What to Look for in Auto Glass Installers.

You may need to have new auto glass installed after a car accident, after road debris hits your windshield or after someone tries to break in to your car. While there are many reasons you may need auto glass, there is one common thread. When you need auto glass replaced, you need to have it done in a timely manner. This helps to keep water, bugs and dirt out of your car. But if you have never had to replace glass in on your vehicle before, you may be unsure what you need to look for when hiring an auto glass installer. Here at Only 1 Auto Glass, we want to help you with your auto glass repairs. But we also want you to know you are working with a reputable company who is knowledgeable in the industry. Here are a few of the factors you should look for when you are looking to hire an auto glass installer and how Only 1 Auto Glass meets those factors.

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What to Look for In An Auto Glass Repair Company

An  auto glass repair company can perform a lot of services. They can perform rock chip repair, fixing the cracks and chips left in your windshield after a rock slams into it. They can perform windshield repair, repairing windshields that may have cracked in an auto accident. They can perform auto glass replacement, replacing windows that may been smashed out by vandals. Or they can do windshield replacement, replacing your auto glass that is beyond repair. When you need the service of an auto glass repair company, it is important that you know what to look for to find the best company. Here are a few things that you want to look for in an auto glass repair and replacement company.

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Does Car Insurance Cover Windshield Crack Repairs?

The most common way that your windshield winds up with a chip or crack is because of a flying rock or piece of gravel that slams into your windshield on the roadway. When this occurs, you will want to get the crack or chip filled in with resin to prevent it from expanding. A chip or crack that expands can impede your ability to see out the windshield and weaken the structural integrity of the glass. However. you may find yourself wondering if car insurance covers the windshield crack repair costs. Here is some information you will want to know.

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Top Ways To Find The Best Auto Glass Repair Company

Realizing that you need to have auto glass repaired or replaced can leave you with more questions than answers. Of course, you want to get it fixed as soon as possible so that it does not become a safety hazard but you might not know where to start looking for the best company to do the job. Below you will find the top ways to find the best auto glass repair company.

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4 Important Steps To Take When You Need Emergency Windshield Repair

Whether it is because of Mother Nature or a random individual who took a baseball bat to your windshield, you have likely experienced the scary feeling of seeing your auto glass shattered to pieces. If your auto glass has been damaged, it is crucial that you try to stay calm and keep your feelings of frustration, distress and anger on the back burner. Here is what you need to do in the event of an auto glass emergency.

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How Dangerous Is It to Drive With A Cracked Windshield?

Most people know that cracked windshields are not aesthetically appealing. The crack, especially when severe, can act also as an obstruction causing you to be unable to see clearly while driving. This is a major safety risk that requires auto glass repair. There are also several other hidden dangers of cracked windshields, including:

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We Come To You When You Give The Gift Of A New Windshield

Procrastinating a necessary windshield replacement can be catastrophic. However the money for vehicle repairs is not always on hand. A windshield replacement is not very costly, and can make a great gift for a loved one with a tight budget. Many people put off a crack or a chip in a windshield longer than they would other vehicle flaws because they do not realize that the windshield is a part of the structural integrity of modern vehicle. A flaw in the structure of the windshield matters. In the extreme weather fluctuation cycles of freezing, warming, raining and then freezing again a small chip can turn into a big problem. We can fix your Minneapolis windshield quickly to insure a safe and secure winter. Now is the time for repairs, before the weather makes the issue worse and replacement is the only option.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.