Posted on 11/21/2022 4:25 AM By Only 1 Auto Glass
Have you ever found yourself suddenly blinded by an unexpected windshield glare while driving down the road? If so, you may be dealing with windshield pitting, and if that’s true, you’ll need to do something about it to protect your safety. What exactly is windshield pitting, though? And what are your options for dealing with this type of glass damage? Read on to find out.
Posted on 11/20/2017 4:00 AM By Only 1 Auto Glass
If you’re driving down the road and bright light from the sun or a vehicle blinds you, it could be due to pitting in your windshield. Pits can cause the light to shine in your eyes for a few seconds. The bright flashes can distract you and cause to run off the road or have a collide with another driver. If you carefully look at the glass on your front window, you may discover that there are glares, specks, or tiny dents. These are all symptoms of windshield pitting.