Auto glass technicians need to be trained in order to correctly repair and install auto glass. This may leave you wondering what types of training they undergo and how they learn to do their job. Here is some information on the training and certification programs auto glass repair technicians undergo before they begin to work on your car.
Auto Glass Training Programs
Many community college and auto repair vocational schools offer auto glass training programs. These programs can train a person interested in becoming a technician the skills they will need to work in this field. These are certificate programs, not degree programs. And while they are not required to work in the field, this type of program can be a great way for a technician to get his foot in the door in this field. It is important to always take the time to learn about what skills a program offers, as they can vary from school to school.
On The Job Training
While most employers would prefer technicians who are already skilled and trained, some do offer on the job training programs. These types of programs allow existing technicians to teach others new to the field how to do the job at hand. This is most common in smaller areas where there are not many training programs available. Some companies will also offer internships to those who are interested. The individual learns about this field without having to pay for schooling, while the company gets to mold a new technician exactly the way they would like them to be. This type of training can be win-win for both parties because of this.
Auto Glass Certification Courses
Once a technician has undergone a training course, on the job training, or both, they can take part in various auto glass certification courses. These courses are put on by a variety of different companies included certain auto glass companies and auto glass industry experts. When a technician takes part in these courses, they learn knew skills while also having the ability to demonstrate their expertise and become certified by the company putting on the program.
When you need auto glass repair or replacement, trust your car to Only 1 Auto Glass in St. Paul, MN. Our trained technicians can properly repair or replace your auto glass, leaving your car glass good as new. Contact us today with any questions you have or to schedule an appointment to have your glass repaired or replaced.