Auto Glass Repair - Only 1 Auto Glass — Page 10

From category archives: Only 1 Auto Glass

Auto Glass Repair & Replacement: Top 5 FAQs

Are you facing auto glass repairs or a full windshield replacement? Confused about which option is the safest, most cost-effective choice for your needs? At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know damaged vehicle windows can be a major source of stress. And not knowing who to trust with the repairs or even what to expect from the process serves to further compound the problem. To help lessen any confusion, we’ve outlined a few of our most common FAQs to give you a better idea of how auto glass repairs and replacements work.

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True or False: Can Your Sunroof Really Explode?

No one purchases a vehicle with a sunroof thinking that the glass is going to explode. Most sunroof owners never allow the thought to cross their minds. But, just because it’s not a common occurrence doesn’t mean it can’t happen. In fact, a recent Consumer Reports investigation indicates that certain sunroofs do indeed explode. And, unfortunately, the number of spontaneously shattering overhead windows is steadily growing.

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Road Debris 101: Hazards to Watch For

When most drivers think of road debris, they imagine pebbles, leaves, sticks, and maybe the odd tire scrap or two. Though that’s a semi-accurate presumption, there may be more rubbish on the road than meets the eye. While most road debris is barely visible from your driver’s seat, it still has the potential to cause serious damage to your auto glass. Worse, some barely-visible road debris has the potential to cause bodily harm, and in some cases, fatality.

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Mobile vs. In-House Auto Glass Repairs: Do You Get the Same Service?

It’s finally spring! With the warming weather and some trails finally becoming accessible in the Midwest and other parts of the country with snow, it’s tempting to simply load up your ATV or sport side by side and head off for an outdoor adventure. If you own a UTV, you might want to pull it out of storage and get right to work, or keep using it without a second thought as the days lengthen and the temperatures rise.

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Cleaning Your Auto Glass: 3 Costly Mistakes to Avoid

For the most part, cleaning your auto glass is pretty straightforward: You spray on the solution, wipe it down, and let the excess liquid evaporate. Something many vehicle owners don’t know, however, is that certain glass cleaning solutions and techniques can damage their auto glass. At Only 1 Auto Glass, it’s our job to help you keep your vehicle windows in top condition, so below, we’re outlining a few costly cleaning mistakes to avoid.

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What Should You Do During a Roadside Emergency?

Sitting on the side of the road with a damaged vehicle and broken auto glass isn’t on anyone’s bucket list. But, unfortunately, it’s a reality for dozens of Twin Cities drivers every day. Though no one seriously anticipates finding themselves in the middle of such a situation, being prepared for it is never a bad idea. At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know how stressful automobile accidents and auto glass damage can be. That’s why today, we’re detailing a simple series of actions you’ll need to take if you ever find yourself in the middle of a roadside emergency.

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Top 3 Causes of Auto Glass Damage & How to Avoid Them

Auto glass repairs can be a hassle, especially if you’re always on the go (who isn’t these days?). Even when you have the option of convenient mobile repair — like what we offer at Only 1 Auto Glass — you still must set aside a chunk of your day to wait for repairs. You also have the scheduling to deal with, your insurance company to talk to, and maybe even a rental car arrangement to set up if the damage is severe enough. It’s a lot to add to your never-ending to-do list, isn’t it? Below, we’re discussing a few simple things you can do to help make sure you avoid auto glass damage from these top three culprits:

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Damaged Auto Glass: Should You Repair or Replace It?

If your auto glass has recently incurred damage, you’re no doubt wondering how much that damage is going to cost you. Can you get away with a quick repair? Or are you in for a more expensive auto glass replacement? While a straight answer would be nice, the only way to address those questions is through an in-person evaluation of the damage. That said, there are definite situations when repairs are simply out of the question. In this post, our Only 1 Auto Glass team is breaking down the details, so you have a better idea of what to expect.

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Rear Windshield Woes: Common Auto Glass Repair Issues

Are you having issues with your vehicle’s rear windshield? Curious whether you can repair the problem, or if you’ll need a full auto glass replacement? At Only 1 Auto Glass, it’s our job to help you keep your vehicle structurally sound. And, whether or not you realize it, your vehicle’s rear window helps support its frame. As such, it’s critical that the glass remains intact for you and your passengers’ safety. If you’re teetering on attempting a DIY fix, here’s what you should know:

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5 Safe Alternatives to Using an Ice Scraper on Your Windshield

If you’ve lived in Minnesota long enough, you’ve no doubt experienced it: you rush out the door with barely enough time to commute to work, see a layer of ice on the windshield, reach for your ice scraper, but it’s nowhere to be found! What do you do next? How on earth will you make it work on time? At Only 1 Auto Glass, we know this scenario happens to just about everyone at some point. So, to help you safely get that ice off your windshield and make it to work on time, we’ve detailed five safe ice scraper alternatives for when you’re in a pinch.

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Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions regarding your windshield repair needs? Would you like a free estimate? Please don’t hesitate to call us today at 651.789.1111 or Email Us and we will be happy to assist you.